Sunday, October 26, 2008

Cluttered Thoughts

It’s 3 o’clock in the morning and yet I’m still wide awake. Not that I am bored or anything. I actually had plenty of time to waste while thinking of a way to communicate with my friend through sms. Yes, my very unreliable and cheaply-bought china-made cellphone once again failed me.. And for the second time, it messed up the sim card that I borrowed from my aunt.. Well, so much for an inexpensive utility. Great. I have to get a new one first thing when the sun rises..

I couldn’t sleep because I feel a terrible pain down under.. I think I might be having a UTI. Eh, nothing serious.. Just savor the experience of extremely horrible agony when peeing.. This is not the first time that I had it though. Hmmm.. I think this will be the third or the fourth time. The question is, how did I acquire this? A friend told me that women are usually the ones who get infected by it.. Yes, scientifically proven. But oh well, I have my own personal theory as to why I had this.. I wouldn’t elaborate much about that because it isn’t quite suitable to be shared in here.. So moving on…

It was my 21st birthday two days ago. It was a fun day, nothing different though. No partying like crazy in the club, nor heavy booze dozing. Just went out to dinner with some friends, sat in a table right in front of a performing live band, had some good laughs, ate an erotically-named cake (which does really taste as it sounds.. lmao) and then went home. And why am I blogging about it just now??? I don’t know. I didn’t really feel like writing since I came back here. Not that there is nothing to write about, where in fact there’s a lot really.. Maybe I’m just not in my usual lethargic mood whenever I‘m writing most of my entries.. I guess I am happyJ

Seriously, this UTI thingy hurts like hell.. I can feel it.. I need to gulp a liter-full of cranberry juice as soon as possible, or else, I’ll be lifeless in the morning…

Honestly? I don’t miss anyone right now. Everything that I need is here and I’m enjoying the moment. Or at least, the few moments left that I’m going to be spending in the following days.. Sheesh, reading the previous sentence that I just typed sounded like I’m already bidding goodbye for good. No, this is not a suicidal-entry..

Saturday, October 18, 2008


What happened last night wasn’t a dream at all. I finally came back to that point of my life where I relentlessly indulge myself to the demands of both my untamed mind and flesh. I would say that it was wrong, but it sure did felt right. Awesome, actually. I feel revived. That certain thing I was missing for so long, consciously and not, now I have attained once again . Though the thought of something worse is going to happen after that “event” guards my mind, I couldn’t care any less. I know this is not going to last as long as I would want it to, but is it too much to ask for more? Even just while I’m here…

-- Anon

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Homecoming Day1

Everything looks different, yet it feels so familiar..

My Family?
They seem really happy to finally see us once again after quite some time.
There’s something I couldn’t figure out exactly though…
The sadness behind them weary eyes..
Unspoken words of distress that doesn’t quite match the blissful mask…

The Old House?
Wrecking wooded foundation that has stood here for more than three decades,
Patched up scraps of walls and ceilings which are about to collapse,
Faded wall of abstract murals crafted by tiny hands which has grown over the years,
Humid warmth thus envelopes the very air that I breathe…

The Town Where I Grew Up?
Everything has been modified and a lot of new establishments are now being constructed,
It appears as if it is crowded now more than ever,
The noise is rather minimized though,
Pretty much is not the same compared to the last couple of years..

The People Around?
Are the same people whom I practically knew,
The young once then grew up, the old ones before now even looked older,
Both appears obnoxious and insecure as always,
Acts as who they really are, before and up until now..


The Price of Everything being sold?
What you can afford is really what you can only get,
There is not much of a difference between the quality and quantity, and/or vice-versa
It doesn’t seem to be reasonable anymore
A couple of hundred bucks for a week won’t even give you enough…

I haven’t slept for the past 56 hours since I left home,
I badly need a good rest…
But all these is bothering me really…
I would like to think that I’d be okay..
This is just my first day here anyway…