Sunday, August 17, 2008

Young Olympians

Introducing, three of the best of USA womens gymnastics team for 2008 Beijing Olympics

Nastia Liukin (18), Alicia Sacramone (21), and Shawn Johnson (16)

Well, I am not really a gymnastics fan but these three young women made me proud of them for making it through the medal podium.. Watching all their events as they give their best in completing all the routines may it be in the uneven bars, the vault, the balance beam, and on the floor -- these girls deserve to be on the top. There may have been a couple of bumps along the way, like when Alicia loses her balance and fell on the balance beam on the team all-around event, the same thing happened on the floor routine. It may have caused their team to lose a gold medal against China team, but silver isn't that bad. Nonetheless, kudos to Shawn and Nastia, both of which did fairly well on their executions.

On the All-around event though, Nastia Liukin got the gold medal and Shawn Johnson settled second with the silver. Once again, seeing the American flag being raised and hearing the tune of the Star-spangled banner in the whole BUT gymnasium brought me to slight tears.. aw... If only you could've seen the joy in the faces of these wonderful lasses.

Lastly, on the Finals event, Shawn almost got the gold and Nastia could've gotten the silver until the Romanian gymnast snuck through last and got the highest score. So in the end Shawn was second, and Nastia was third.

Nevertheless, it was quite an amazing experience for all of them. Though i wasn't literally there in Beijing to cheer for them, I am so proud of all their hard work:)

For more information about the 2008 Beijing Olympics gymnastics event, click here

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