Friday, July 18, 2008

We just watched The Dark Knight a while ago.. Surely it deserves 5 stars... Heath Ledger's the joker character portrayal completely blew me away... his random incipience and obnoxious wit really gives the audience such a different perception of who the character really is. What distinct the movie character from the one in the cartoon series is the perplexed nature of the real joker (Just watch the movie to see what I am talking about). WOW.. such a great actor.. too bad he's dead now though.. he won't reap all the recognition he deserves from his superb performance. Seems like the joker got the most attention from the viewers than the main man himself (Batman). The movie as a whole is pretty good, I must say. It may be too far from reality, but the predicaments that were presented were pretty much possible in real life. But two and a half hours of show time? Well, it was all worth it. Even the audience applauded as the movie ends. So far, it is the best movie of the summer.

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